Publius Society

Dr. Steven Ealy of Liberty Fund Visits the AHI

On President’s Day, Dr. Steve Ealy, Senior Fellow at Liberty Fund, a non-profit organization "devoted to the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals," visited the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) to speak to two audiences. In the afternoon, he spoke with a class of [...]

Publius Society, AHI Undergraduates Participate in Occupy Wall Street Debate

On Wednesday evening, November 9, the AHI’s Publius Society and the Days-Massolo Center co-sponsored a public discussion titled “Occupy Wall Street: A Hamilton Campus Discussion.” The event attracted nearly fifty people, including Hamilton College undergraduates, administrators, and faculty from a variety of departments. Professor of Biology Jinni Garrett moderated. Professor of Government Peter Cannavo opened [...]

2017-03-26T20:47:09+00:00November 18th, 2011|News & Events, Publius Society, Undergraduate Fellows|0 Comments

Publius Society Begins 2011-12 with Discussion of the Economy and Banking Reform

Dr. Erik Filipiak, the first recipient of the AHI's Theodore J. Eismeier Fellowship in Political Science, will lead a discussion of banking regulation and reform on Friday, 23 September, at 4PM in the main dining room of the AHI. The meeting is open to the public; refreshments will be served. Attendants are encouraged to read [...]

2020-05-26T01:08:34+00:00September 15th, 2011|News & Events, Publius Society|0 Comments

AHI Undergraduate Fellows Celebrate Busy Semester

On Sunday, 5 December, the Alexander Hamilton Institute celebrated its Undergraduate Fellows at a holiday party featuring a performance by Special K, a Hamilton College chorale group. More than seventy AHI Undergraduate Fellows participate in the intellectual life of AHI. […]

AHI Kicks Off 2010-2011 Programming with Reception and Ayn Rand Night

On Sunday, 5 September, the AHI held a special reception for the fifty-five current undergraduate fellows who participate in the intellectual life of the AHI in a variety of ways. Each of the fellows received gifts. Professors Chris Hill, Ted Eismeier, Jim Bradfield, and Robert Paquette spoke about the history of the AHI and the [...]

Publius Meeting, 25 January: 'What Would the Founders Think of Health Care?'

The Publius Society, a student-run organization devoted to the study of the American political tradition, will begin the spring semester with a discussion of “What Would the Founders Think of Health Care?”  The discussion will center on such issues as party politics, partisanship, majority factions, filibusters, and the role of the federal government. […]

2017-03-26T20:47:12+00:00January 16th, 2010|News & Events, Publius Society|0 Comments
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